Dione La'Chelle



I AM an avid lover of God! My faith is and has always been the foundation of this spiritual journey I call life. I AM a Mindset and Transformation Inner Wellness Coach! I AM a master of habit change and an advocate for living an authentic, healthy and happy lifestyle. I AM passionate that everyone should invest in some form of therapy, counseling, or coaching, thus investing in their well-being.

I AM a Servant Leader in my purpose-driven life and professional career. My passion for helping others led me to become a Certified Life Coach and Strategist. I’ve earned both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Business Management degree.

I AM a lover of all things nature, especially being near water and the mountains. I enjoy writing, gospel and jazz music, baking, decorating, candle making, and indulging in non-surface positive dialogue.  My village is small, yet massive because no matter where I’ve landed, I have always cultivated a nurturing and supportive family environment…my tribe

 I AM a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. My favorite flowers are sunflower and dandelion. My favorite colors are red and green. And my favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

MY Core Values


We believe that we can do ALL things through Christ, who is our strength, and that with God, everyone can find healing.


We choose to bring our best and be our best every single day and never settle for average in our thinking, attitude, or actions.


We are committed to never giving up on anyone and exemplifying an agape love for all.


We seek out opportunities to help others heal and choose to treat every person with the highest level of respect and value.


We believe in being all into the mission and vision, sold out to glorify God through healing the hearts and souls of HIS people.

MY STORY… Surviving to Thriving

In 2015, I was emotionally, financially, and spiritually bankrupt.

I knew I had hit rock bottom when I almost allowed someone to compromise the one thing that had grounded me all of my life, especially in my wilderness seasons – my faith.

With all of my being, I knew I had to save myself. So, I made the life-changing decision to Do.The.Work. that was required for me to heal mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Once I began to heal, my relationship with God, myself, family, and friends took their rightful place on my healing journey.

I made the commitment to turn my trials into triumphs and my mess into ministry. I am now living out my godly-ordained and purposed life. For it is my heart’s desire to share my journey and all the necessary steps for you to embark upon your own healing journey.

Publishing my debut book Mirror Mirror: Healing from the Inside Out was the springboard to reaching and helping the masses. To date, as a Mindset and Transformation InnerWellness Coach, I have helped many-many women transform their lives through One-on-One Coaching, Group Coaching, Inner Wellness Retreats, and Masterclasses.

Are you ready to transform yours?


As a Servant Leader, my passion and purpose is to equip and empower you along your healing journey.

As a Servant Leader, my passion and purpose is to equip and empower you along your healing journey.

My heart’s desire is to create a movement and platforms that provide tried and true guidance through the process of emotional, mental, and spiritual healing via books, digital products, curriculum, retreats, and coaching.

I am committed to helping you hone in on the purposed-power withIN you, so you can start to live a life of authenticity and abundance – your best-blessed life!