Let the Healing Begin!




Welcome home to your healing journey safe space. I do not believe in coinkydinkys. So, I absolutely believe you are exactly where you are supposed to be. I am honored and excited that you have found your way home.

It is my heart’s desire to help women just like you reconnect with their authentic selves by introspectively exploring withIN, implementing customized spiritual and self-care habits, transforming your mindset, and cultivating healthy lifestyle practices.

Working with me, you will find a safe space to shed the old and boldly walk into your new by fully embodying who the Great I AM says you are! I provide guidance for everything you need to heal emotionally, spiritually, and relationally.

If you are feeling stuck and without purpose, finding yourself in unhealthy cycles, lacking self-love and harboring unforgiveness, you are exactly where you need to be to take your life to the next level and create the life God has purposed and promised.

What is Inner Wellness?

Inner Wellness is an all-inclusive state of being in harmony with our inner self and the outer world.

It is an active process of awakening, acknowledging, and making intentional choices to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

It is a dynamic process of change and growth…a state of well-being.

Why is Inner Wellness important?

Inner Wellness is critical to our overall well-being and health.

Inner Wellness promotes our happiness. It equips us to deal with ALL of the many aspects of life in a more healthy and positive way.

Inner Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our behavior and actions.

Therefore, it is important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions and relationships with ourselves and others.

The pursuit of happiness, health, personal growth, and improved quality of life relies on living a balanced life.

To achieve this balance and Inner Wellness, we need to care for and harmonize our mind, body, and spirit. Inner Wellness must be achieved in order to effectively navigate your very own healing journey.


Dandelion during sunset

One-on-One Coaching

Three transformative virtual mindset and accountability coaching modules for women who are ready to heal and find their purpose in order to LIVE!

Butterfly on a flower

Inner Wellness Retreat

A uniquely curated Retreat that is committed to providing a SAFE and SACRED SPACE to quiet your restless mind, so your soul can find its voice.

Lotus in water

H.O.W. Academy

Healing Our Wounds the Agile way. A one of a kind approach to obtaining and maintaining emotional health, intelligence and stability efficiently!

Heey Beautiful, I AM DIONE!

I AM a MINDSET and TRANSFORMATION Inner Wellness Coach, purposed by God to serve women by offering platforms and resources to support them on their inner wellness journey.

Beautiful, the life you desire and deserve awaits you! The scars that you affectionately wear and passionately share are proof that you too can not only survive this life, but also thrive.

The first step to embrace your healing journey is to take responsibility for your life by acknowledging the wounds you’ve ignored and covered up.

Then, you must Do.The.Work. that is required to heal your mental, spiritual, and relational wounds.

So, take my hand and allow me to guide you along your healing journey and introduce you to the BEST version of YOU!

I AM Dione


Being able to meet, fellowship and bond with other women was LIFE-CHANGING. The atmosphere was set for all to feel safe in being vulnerable and transparent. The investment was absolutely worth it. I will be returning and inviting others. I am so proud of Dione; job well-done!


This Retreat changed my life! It is the start of a new journey. It afforded me an opportunity to RELEASE and be RENEWED.
I am so glad that I came and conquered. I recommend it to any woman who feels she isn’t enough. After this retreat, you will leave knowing – you are ENOUGH!


The Inner Wellness Retreat gave me great revelation regarding my PURPOSE. I had been diminishing myself for years, not walking in my full potential and purpose because I didn’t want people to see me…so, I was running and hiding. I am so thankful for the breakthroughs I experienced at this Retreat.



Ready to do the work with Dione LaChelle

Ready to…  DO.THE.WORK.?

Inner Wellness Coaching will help you:

  • Embrace your healing journey
  • Feel seen and heard
  • Transform your mindset
  • Heal emotional wounds
  • Feel confident, purposeful, and fulfilled
  • Deepen your relationship with yourself, God, and others

Book your Clarity session to determine how I can assist you!


Emotional First Aid Kit DBW Inner Wellness Dione La'Chelle

Before you dive into 1-on-1 Coaching or an Inner Wellness Retreat, let’s begin your journey with some tools.

I have carefully created an Emotional First-Aid Kit, just for you.

It is a tried and true step-by-step approach to help kick-start your healing journey and will serve as a reference to assist you along your journey. And, it is entirely FREE!