
Inner wellness coaching
Start your journey



Individual coaching is offered online in a 12 week one-on-one setting.

I will provide the support you need to move forward and set personal and professional goals that put you on the path to creating the life you desire and deserve.

Together we will work on removing past fears, changing unhealthy relationships, getting “unstuck,” or creating a clear vision for your life.

Remember, you have the power to change your life!

Dandelion during sunset


Three unique 1:1 coaching strategies: Heal, Rise, and Soar

*Sessions will occur via video conference or phone 

**Group sessions are also available. Please contact Coach Dee for more information.


Recover from Trauma


Life dictates that everyone has and will experience some level of heartache, hurt, pain, disappointment, etc. Very few people are able to let that pain go in order to move on with their lives without the past casting shadows on their joy.

We tend to get trapped in the pain cycle after being wounded. Consequently, it impacts the choices we make, how we respond and react to life, and ultimately our level of happiness. There are physical, mental, and emotional reasons why it is difficult to let go of the pain.

One area that causes many people difficulty in letting go of the past is the misunderstanding of what forgiveness is. It is often thought that forgiveness frees the other person of what happened. You will discover this is not true.

Welcome to HEAL!

Twelve (12) weeks of 1-on-1 coaching that offers strategies and exercises to help you acknowledge and release the past. These activities include recognizing your personal power, nurturing yourself, changing your thoughts, and discovering how to manage your feelings. This is your time, your moment, your chance, to Heal!


Build Self-confidence


You are not doing too badly in your personal life and career, maybe you are even excelling. However, somewhere deep inside you, you are not satisfied and feel unfulfilled. You want something else. You want more.

Maybe you feel a hunger to discover something more meaningful, something more impactful. You have ideas and dreams, but the rat-race of life is all-consuming, and you cannot find the time to think about them. Maybe you think your time has passed. Maybe you are afraid or feel undeserving. Yet you trudge along hoping that something would change. You pour into everyone else and never quite get what you need in return. Time is running out and you are not sure you are satisfied with your life. As a matter of fact, you know you are not.

Welcome to RISE!
Twelve (12) weeks of 1-on-1 coaching to help you discover your passion, make the first steps to living out your purpose, your path to making a difference and living happier. This is your time, your moment, your chance to Rise!


Find your Purpose


For too long you have felt insecure, uncertain and find yourself often questioning your decisions, feelings, and thoughts, you often seek the approval of others. You act like you have it together but inside you feel like a fraud, you do not like the person in the mirror very much and you are often riddled with social anxiety. Maybe you are afraid to speak up about your needs and wants or to share your ideas. And you often find yourself asking, what is wrong with me?

You want to make better decisions, have stronger more positive relationships, you want to win the respect, admiration, and trust of others. You want to love yourself and be loved for that self. You are ready to step up in your inner power, but you aren’t sure how or if it even exist.

Welcome to SOAR!
Twelve (12) weeks of 1-on-1 coaching to help you step into the security of who you are. You will learn how to face life and its challenges with courage, overcome the fear of rejection, love yourself, break the habit of seeking the approval of others, learn to speak up, and build your self-confidence. This is your time, your moment, your chance to Soar!

Inner Wellness Coaching


Coach Dee has truly been a God-send to my family. The lightbulb really came on during my coaching sessions. I saw how things that impacted me as a teenager control who I am today. The dots are connecting. I am so grateful.

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Expected Results FROM 1-ON-1 COACHING


Results you can expect from Inner Wellness Coaching:

  • A first-aid toolkit for healing emotional wounds
  • Diminished impact of generational trauma
  • Greater self-confidence and motivation
  • Improved problem-solving skills and self-awareness
  • A transformation from limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs
  • A closer connection to your mind, body, and soul
  • Balance in every area of your life
  • Healthier and more successful relationships with God, yourself, and others
  • A greater sense of self-fulfillment and a purposeful life

Whatever your struggles are, this is your time to heal, grow and thrive.

You can have the desires of your heart! 

Dione LaChelle in white shirt