It's an Inside Job


Emotional healing is An Inside Job

From experience, I’ve learned that I am solely responsible for my healing, regardless of the source of my emotional wounds. Exploring the root causes of my suffering and taking ownership of my life, my happiness and my healing journey has been crucial.

We’re often focused on external pursuits, but rarely do we look withIN ourselves. True peace and happiness reside withIN. Everyone possesses the ability to turn off the outside world and turn INward through various means. Find that thing that takes you off autopilot and into reality. Autopilot keeps us from facing our truths and impedes our ability to have difficult conversations with ourselves.

Material success may bring temporary highs, but it doesn’t create lasting happiness or healing. Happiness and wholeness is an INside job. Discover what sparks and sustains authentic happiness withIN you, then you will be em(IN)powered to make the necessary and desired changes outside of you. When you approach life from an INward and proper perspective – your purpose for life will come into focus!

Read more to ignite your  Healing Journey

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Apathy: The Dream Killer

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Dione LaChelle reading her book Mirror Mirror healing from the inside out