The best way to predict your future is to create it!

Yep it’s true, your beliefs are causing your unhappiness — not your spouse, your boss, the government, or your bank account!

Did you know that you are only able to see and experience in your life what you believe is possible?

Yep, it’s actually your beliefs that are holding you hostage and keeping you living half a life. If you believe you aren’t good enough, lovable enough, smart enough, rich enough, worthy enough then you will never ever experience all you desire.

We adopt these beliefs at a very young and impressionable age. Often, we aren’t even slightly aware that we are holding onto beliefs that are self-sabotaging. We get so triggered when someone mistreats us, and we automatically translate it into we aren’t important and lash out at them. We think if only I could make them treat me better, then I would be ok. The fact is you must learn to treat yourself better withIN, then the outer world will reflect it back to you. Simply, we teach people how to treat us!

I spent all my formative years trying to combat limiting beliefs I wasn’t conscious of, thoughts that permeated my mind were, “If only I were smarter, then I would be successful.” “If only I were prettier, then people would like me.” “If only they would change, then I would be happy.”

This type of thinking only perpetuates the vicious cycle of self-abuse. Our bodies store all of these memories in our cells…it’s called cellular memory. According to scientists, emotions are not the product of our brain, but are expressed, experienced, and stored in our BodyMind, and these emotions can be triggered reactively through people, internal dialogue, and negative experiences. Our BodyMind is an approach to understanding the relationship between the body and mind where they are viewed as a single integrated unit. Periodically, it is imperative to do deeper healing work to dislodge the stored toxicity in the body through practices such as journaling, meditation, breathing, spiritual practice and many other diverse modalities. 

If left unhealed the toxic emotions fester into disease. Most chronic disease has its basis in suppressed emotion. We all have painful memories – failure, disappointments, suffering, loss – hidden away or suppressed – in our BodyMinds, to be retrieved, reformed, and released, or ignored and left to fester, wounds that never heal. What Dr. John Upledger refers to as a “somato-emotional cyst”.  A primitive body defense response in which the injury, and the emotions therein encoded, are walled off from the rest of the body, and never truly resolve. By simply acknowledging our emotions, they are expressed. In being expressed, emotions can be released, even old emotions stored in bodymemory.  Allowing emotions to surface into awareness and to be able to name our emotions is the beginning of emotional explorations and healing. You can NOT heal what you won’t allow yourself to feel.

Love & Blessings,


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