I don’t feel, and neither do I care to.


Let me define Blah. Blah is when I can’t really complain about anything, but don’t have much energy or enthusiasm for anything. Blah is when I’m lacking passion, and everything is beige. Nothing wrong with the color, but between you and me, beige is just not exciting. I’ve adopted my late grandmother’s saying when I sometimes feel blah, “I feel unnecessary”.

Am I feeling blah because I have been trying to fulfill all these tasks that I have set myself up to finish before the end of the year? Launch an inner wellness program, create a life-changing e-course, record a new podcast, and even writing this blog!

The more I attempt to find a way out of this apathy and blah-ness, the more it seems to hang around. Surrendering to any uncomfortable feeling is frightening, my mind says, “hey, don’t do it, or you will really lose your edge.” I wish there were a pill for blah; one that I could walk into a drugstore and tell the pharmacist that I had “the blahs” and then wait while he put some little pills into a prescription bottle.

This whole blah dissertation makes me think of a well-known philosophy, which if taken at face value promotes the idea of not attaching yourself to either the highs or lows in life, this way you don’t suffer as much. So, I guess I will just give myself permission to lean into the discomfort of blah, and maybe just maybe letting go of the judgment of blah, I will find grace to move forward.

The more I think about it, blah is probably the result of not enough stimulus. We live in a world that everything runs fast, and we are bombarded by information and requests. Our systems are on the go and sometimes when we slow down, we go into withdrawal. So, I’m going to breathe deeply and slow down even more, and I’m going to connect with the source that keeps me grounded. I’m going to observe and appreciate what surrounds me. I’m going to turn my attention inward and I am certain blah will become a thing of the past.

I’m going to breathe deeply and slow down even more, and I’m going to connect with the source that keeps me grounded.

Dione Bryant Williams

Breathe Away the Blahs

Remember that the slower and simpler life becomes, the more the ego rages against it. I will leave you with a simple and practical exercise that will help you re-center and aid you in getting rid of “the blahs.” When you find yourself feeling blah, STOP, STILL yourself, and practice mindful breathing. What is mindful breathing? Mindful breathing is a very basic yet powerful mindfulness meditation practice. The idea is simply to focus your attention on your breathing—to its natural rhythm and flow and the way it feels on each inhale and exhale. This practice allows you to be present in the moment. Remember, the present moment is all there is! If in this moment or whenever you are overcome with feeling blah, know this or that moment is revealing something deeper that needs to emerge from within you. So, just trust that when you are ready, you will give birth to a new level of inspiration and growth.

Love and Blessings,


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